Slovak Fashion LIVE – fashion event, Day III. Look
19. októbra 2016 sa konal 4. ročník módneho podujatia Fashion LIVE s podtitulom Slovak Fashion Week Iniciative. Udalosť má za sebou jeden nultý a tri regulárne ročníky. Na začiatku sa na jej realizácii podieľal Slovak Fashion Council, ktorý neskôr zorganizoval svoju samostatnú verziu Fashion Weeku, avšak bez módnych prehliadok. Slovak Fashion LIVE sa konala v priestoroch Starej Tržnice na námestí SNP v centre Bratislavy, na ktorého 4. ročník som sa po prvýkrát v roli fashion blogerky vybrala aj ja.
Na tieto dni som mala naplánové tri rôzne outfity, ktoré som zvolila práve na toto obdobie. Bolo trošku problém vyberať, lebo šatník ponúkal bohaté kreácie, no finálne rozhodnutie padlo pre tieto.
Slovak Fashion Week takes place every year in october and me as a fashion blogger could not be missing. This was my first time attending Fashion LIVE in Slovakia in the role of fashion blogger. Slovakia is famous for its textile production. There were shown the winter and summer colletions together on this fashion event. I chose three various outfits and final looks for this event and for the day III. was choosen this pretty romantic girls silver-grey dress with mink fashion boots. I also changed my final look – I smoothed my curly hairs and use the expressive make-up. So, what do you think? If you want to see more photos of me, follow my portfolio page Mya Mirell: