Here comes the sun! The Sun is in the sky and I love wear the sun, the sun is on me. In today’s style guide I want you to look at some of my favorite yellow dress style ideas to follow this hot season. I think everyone knows that yellow is the summer best color to wear. That’s a real sexy color to try. I think everyone will agree with me, that yellow isn’t the colour what you typically see everyone’s wearing. You might say it’s to bright to wear and I am afraid of looking like a chicken, but believe me, once you try it, you will run straight to it with open arms. How about this fabulous look! The whole outfit cosists of yellow colour. I really love it ! And I am sure you will love your new yellow outfit too ! Let´s try !
According to Vogue Italy, yellow is the color of the summer ! For me – still the best color I like from my childhood. Podľa Vogue Italia – žltá je farbou tohto leta…pre mňa vždy najobľúbenejšia farba, hlavne letná. Giallo – il colore dell´estate dice Vogue IT – per me é il colore preferito da anni.